Friday, March 25, 2011


Tonight Grandma Lou and Grandpa Denny came for a visit! We all went to Bingo Night at my school. It was so much fun. Grandma wanted to win, but I told her we just need to have fun. We sat by my best friend Elliot.
We all ate pizza, popcorn and other snacks. Then, we bought our own dabbers to mark the numbers on our cards.
Then, Elliot and I got money and went up for the Kid's Auction. We wanted to win something so bad!
We decided to put our money together so we'd have more, but it still wasn't enough. We didn't have enough money to get anything!
We didn't win a Bingo prize, but I did win a little grab bag!
It was a lot of fun and I'm glad Grandma and Grandpa came and got to see my school!

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