Saturday, March 26, 2011

Air & Space Museum

Today we all went to the Air & Space Museum. It was so cool. We all got on a computer and pretended to fly a plane. My plane did a loop-da-loop! It was AWESOME!
I even got to sit in a plane and pretend to fly it.
Grandma and I had to move levers to make this work.
We pretended like we were real live spacemen working on the moon!
Grandpa and I did an experiment. You had to put silly glasses on and then shoot a basketball into the hoop.
The glasses made it really hard.
Next, Grandma and I had to work together to launch a rocket. We each had to turn all the switches on and then it worked!
We all took our picture as an astronaut and went to the moon!
It was fun learning about airplanes and space.

1 comment:

The VanderWoudes said...

I love the family astronaut photo!!